Sunday, March 10, 2024


Hello, I'm back! Since next week I'm filming, I want to make sure that the filming process goes as smoothly as possible because I have 5 people who are relying on me and I don't want to waste anyone's time. I am going to make a list of shots and put them in order so I can be as efficient as possible. I will make this document on Google Docs and use my storyboard as a reference. Here it is:

1st: Car (ext)

2nd: All Car shots (int)

3rd: Friends getting out of the car (ext)

4th: Friends getting stuff out of the car

5th: Asher getting his stuff

6th: Vision sequence thing

7th: Asher putting picture away

8th: Asher walking to camp

9th: Shot from in the trees of Asher walking to camp

10th: Shot of Asher walking to trees (from inside trees)

11th: Friends setting up

12th: Friends playing (Ruby and Jade, Claire and Asher)

13th: Shot of Claire looking at Asher

14th: Ruby looking at her

15th: Friends sitting around fire pit

16th: Shot of all friends sitting around the fire

17th: Slow zoom into Asher

18th: Friends waking Asher up

19th: Pov of Claire asking

20th: Medium of Asher saying yes

21st: long shot of him walking to forrest

22nd: Shot of friends sitting around fire put when Asher sees there and campsite empty shot (skip)

23rd: Asher in the forest peeing

24th: Whip pan behind him

25th: Glove on floor

26th: Asher walks to glove

27th: Glove again

28th: Shot of Asher hearing screaming

29th: Tracking shot of him running

30th: close up of Asher scared

31st: Asher confused

32nd: insert of cross

33rd: Insert of hut

34th: Insert of white glove

35th: Insert of wooden cross

This allows me to film efficiently and also keep in mind the daylight outside because I plan to film around 4:30-6:30 or 7 so I have to make sure that the daylight is sufficient for shots that require that. I put the inserts at the end because, for those, the sunlight doesn't matter because it's supposed to be in the future anyway, and I also don't need anyone else for those shots. Some things are switched around it is not exactly in the order of my storyboard again because it makes it more efficient. I'm very glad I did this because now the filming day will go a lot smoother and be a lot more organized. This is something I wish I had done for past Aice-Media projects (which are discussed in my previous blogs) like my music video project because the order of filming was chaotic and not planned and it made things a lot more stressful than they needed to be. See you next time!!

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