Monday, March 11, 2024


Hello!! As you know I am filming this Sunday, but something that I haven't started to think about (which I should be thinking about) is how I am going to do my credits, where I want to insert them, how I want them to look, and where I am going to put my movie title. I know this is more of an editing thing, but I would like to have an outline and an idea before I start editing so when I do have to edit I already know what I want to do. 

Something that I was very adamant about in the beginning of my project was having a black screen before my film with my movie title and with some background information about cults in the United States. As my idea grew into what it is today, I am willing to let this idea go because I don't think it would work well with my film opening. Although I really liked this idea, I think there are better ways that I can create a feeling of suspense while still keeping genre conventions in mind.

I found this article with a lot of information about credits and titles and it gives a good example of an opening that incorporates credits really well. Here is the article.

I found this list on IMDb which lists the "Best Opening Credits in Film". Here are some of my favorites that I watched

Panic Room Credits

Zodiac Credits

Cape Fear Credits

I am going to do some experimenting on Canva and see if I can find a font that I like for my Title or my credits.

 Here are a few fonts that I found. I am not sure which one I want to use but at least I have my options and when I am editing I can try them all and see which one looks best. As for the placement of credits and my title, I am planning on having my title in the very beginning of my opening where the outside of the car is seen. It would occur while the music that I chose for the beginning plays. I want the rest of the credits to play during the car shots and while the group of friends sets up. I think I want my credits and my title to be the same font, so whichever font I end up choosing during my editing will most likely be used for both. I think this is all I wanted to figure out, so I'll see you next time!!

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