Friday, February 23, 2024

Creating things

Now that I have my idea, I want to focus on how I am going to make it happen. One thing that will help me picture my idea is a mood board. I created this using Canva with pictures from Pinterest, my camera roll, and Google. Here is my mood board:

I used the pictures I took of the setting I am going to film in and incorporated other pictures that brought in the cult and religion aspects of my film opening. I like this mood board a lot and I will keep it in mind when I start incorporating mise-en-scene elements into my film opening. Two mise-en-scene elements that I already mentioned in my idea are the cross necklace and the white gloves. Here is a picture of both: 

The next thing I wanted to do was choose who I wanted to be in my film and establish the characters in my film. In my film opening, I want there to be 5 characters two boys and three girls. The main character who is having visions will be named Asher. He is a 16-year-old, smart, and funny kid with a troubled past. When he was 10 his mother died unexpectedly and now he lives alone with his father, who has not grieved from her death and takes out his anger on Asher. Whenever something bad is going to happen Asher sees part of it before it is about to happen. These visions began three months after his mother died, and he likes to think it is his mother warning him of danger. Despite having a rough past, Asher has excelled in school and has a great group of friends whom he would do anything for. 

Asher's best friend Mark is the other boy in the group. Mark is 16 years old and can be described as slower than most but as sweet as they come. Mark and Asher have been best friends since birth because their moms were best friends. After his mom passed, Mark's mom became a mother figure to Asher and he considers Mark to be his brother.

Mark's girlfriend Ruby is at the top of her class and gorgeous too. Mark and Ruby met in one of their classes and Ruby offered to tutor Mark. Later, Mark asked her out and they've been together ever since. They share the same friends and people say they are High School Sweethearts.

Ruby has a twin sister named Jade who is a free-spirited, kind girl who is the opposite of Ruby. She fails all her classes but has no care in the world about it. She has a band with some of her other friends and a rocker boyfriend who none of her friends like so he is never invited to things. Ruby and Jade are inseparable despite their opposite personalities. 

Lastly, there's Ruby and Jade's best friend Claire who secretly has a crush on Asher but will never admit it. Ruby and Jade have been trying to set them up for years but it never happens. Claire is a quiet, introverted girl, but she has a great sense of humor and knows how to have fun. Ruby, Jade, and Claire met in middle school and since then Claire has been like the third sister to them. 

All 5 of them met in high school and became a friend group almost instantly. They hang out all the time and go on fun trips like to the beach, to the city, and camping.

Here are pictures of the people I want as each character (I still need to confirm with a few of them but I'm pretty sure this is what it will look like):






The people that I know are very talented and great actors as they are in theater. I am sure that they can bring my vision to life and that is why I chose them. Today's progress really helped me picture my film opening and soon I can start script writing, planning shots, and storyboarding.

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