Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sound Project

  For this project, we were instructed to create a 1-2 minute scene using only sound. This scene had to be something that could happen in around 2 minutes. For example, walking into a barbershop, and getting your hair cut. We were put into groups of two to complete this project. Once in groups, we filled out a brainstorming sheet where we brainstormed ideas for sounds that we would layer to create the scene. 

  My partner and I chose to create a scene that sounded like someone getting rushed into a hospital, getting zapped by a defibrillator, and then ascending to hell. The scene starts outside then transitions to inside the hospital then in the hospital room, then hell. We chose this scene because of the creative freedom that it would give us. After we chose a scene, we were told to make an outline with detailed explanations of which sounds we would use and where in the scene. When picking the sounds, we had to keep in mind that 4 of the sounds had to be created using Foley. Our 4 foley sounds were the wheels of a chair creating the noise of the hospital bed rushing into the hospital, an electrical buzz created by a light in my room used for inside the hospital, footsteps on tile creating the sound of doctors rushing into the hospital, and a dolly crashing into a wall creating the sound of the hospital bed hitting a bump.

  In the scene, we were only allowed to use 7 words of dialogue. We used all 7 of the words the first one being a doctor saying "We're losing him" while they're zapping him with the defibrillator, the second being the doctor saying "Again," the third being the devil saying "hello," and lastly the man that died saying "oh shit" when he realized he is in hell. When editing we had to keep in mind that there are primary and secondary sounds that create the scene. Here are a few photos of our editing process.

Our most challenging part of the project was the selection of sounds for hell since what hell sounds like is up to interpretation. We used sounds like water bubbling, chains crashing, whipping noises, and screams to create the possible sounds of hell. Overall, I liked our idea and the way we executed it, and this project was an enjoyable experience for me.

Here is the link to the project:

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