Friday, September 22, 2023

Camera Shots and Angles Quiz

 The camera shots and angles quiz was a project in which we had to create a short story using 15 shots/angles and two inanimate objects. I worked with two other people and had specific shots we had to include. For example, we had to include two medium shots, two close ups, a point of view shot and more. The goal of the activity was to illustrate a story using specific shots/angles and organize them in a way that develops the idea and tone of the story. We then were to make a PowerPoint to display our story and write descriptions of each shot.

My group and I decided to use two water bottles as our inanimate objects, a white one and a black one. We created a story about how the black water bottle was really sad and was going to jump off a "cliff" and then a white water bottle comes and stops the black bottle from jumping. The black bottle is initially mad that it was stopped, and then that anger turns into sadness as it realizes what it was about to do. The black bottle then hugs the white bottle and they walk into the distance together. We used a concrete bench to model a cliff, and we drew faces and hands on the bottles digitally to convey the object's emotions throughout the story. We utilized the shots that we were instructed to use to further our story. An example of this is how we used a point of view shot to show that the subject was looking down the "cliff" before jumping. We then put all of our shots into a PowerPoint and wrote descriptions about the type of shot used, and how the shot contributes to the story.

I believe that the shots my group used were effective in telling our story. I liked the way our drawings made the story easier to understand and more relatable for the audience which can be hard to do since we are using lifeless objects. One thing I think we could've improved on is the creativity of our object and story. I noticed that a lot of the people in my class used water bottles as their objects and I think we could've picked something more unique. As for our story, I think it was good but complex. A simpler story would've been sufficient and easier to show. In my opinion, our execution was good, but our idea could've been better.

Link to project^

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