Sunday, March 2, 2025


Hello! So, after my last two blog posts, I feel pretty good about my idea, but I am still trying to solidify a few things. First off, let's discuss characters. I have asked three of my closest friends to star in my trailers, and I have also created three characters that I feel are the most fitting for my trailers. Here it is:

Blake, a 17-year-old girl who is very outgoing. She is friendly and funny, but on the inside, she is dealing with problems at home, failing school, and not on track to graduate. She is the last person that you would expect this from because of her personality. She wears trendy clothes, makes friends easily, and is very loyal.

Beatrice (Bea)- 18-year-old girl who is unintentionally funny, very caring, she doesn’t care what people think about her, very free spirited and confrontational. Quinn is her twin sister. She wears trendy but not girly clothes, is intimidating at first, but really sweet when you talk to her, and is very honest.

Quinn- an 18-year-old girl who is less of a talker, more of a listener, but she has things to say. She has a unique style, she fears she is overshadowed by her sister’s personality, and follows the current of Bea and Blake. She wears trendy but girly clothes, gives really good advice, and is very caring.

After solidifying my characters, I went on to write my storyline. One thing I found really hard was coming up with the conflict of my film. I knew what I wanted my film to look like and feel like, but I didn't know what conflict I could write that would achieve that. After thinking for a while and talking to my very helpful teacher, I figured the best conflict I could incorporate is mental health/ social media usage and how everything isn't all that it seems. I want Blake, the least expected to be doing poorly in school, to be going through a really tough time toward the middle of the film and have her two best friends help her through it while also focusing on the coming of age and growing up part of the story. Anyways, here is my broad outline:

Story outline:

-Three girl best friends are in their last year of high school

-The three of them are dealing with the idea of growing up and leaving things behind, and they come up with the idea to document their last few months in the form of a vlog series for them to look back on and as a way to process their grief (of losing their childhood)

-They begin going on fun adventures, doing fun activities, and documenting it on an Instagram page called “Wake up”

-At the same time that these fun, romanticized moments are happening, each of the three characters is processing their emotions in a different way

-This part of the film contrasts the romantic, exciting part of growing up with the internal pain, and struggle that one undergoes

-The characters develop a personal and emotional connection to their vlog series, and the vlogs become a representation of their youth and the importance of valuing time

-After around a month of creating the vlog series, Quin and Bea start to realize differences in Blake. She becomes more reserved, snappy, and quite. Later Blake confesses that she is failing school, and that she is not on track to graduate, and that her parents are threatening to kick her out.

-Blake says that she doesn't want to keep doing "Wake Up" because its not real. The image that she created of herself on social media isn't who she really is and she doesn't like that. She also says that filming won't change the fact that they're leaving each other so what's the point

-Although Quin and Bea are hurt by this, they put their feelings aside and support their friend, helping her get through school and pass her classes at a minimum.

-Graduating at the bottom of her class, Blake makes it through high school and the three of them reconcile

-Blake decides she wants to keep doing Wake up because it was never about what other people thought about their vlogs, and it was always about what it meant to them. The three of them make a few more vlogs until finally they are off for college. Before leaving, they all sit down and watch the videos they made together, so happy that they stepped back and realized time was passing.

-The end

Okay so that is my idea as of now. This could change very slightly towards the end but for the most part this is pretty solidified. My next blog post is going to be my storyboarding which is ABSOLUTELY INSANE WHAT. That seems like such a commitment to my idea, and it is going to take a long time but I am really excited to start bringing my ideas to life. YAY. See you soon.

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HELLO so I stayed home from school because I woke up feeling bad but not bad enough to start my storyboarding YAY. So I started storyboardin...