Wednesday, March 5, 2025

shooting schedule

Hey, I am still working on my storyboard. I finished my first one, and now I'm working on my second one, but I have made a shooting schedule for all of my shots. I already texted my actors to make sure that they can make it on those days. Here is the text: 

And here is the schedule:

Most of the things are going to be filmed either during school, during a drama competition, a beach day that we have with my friends, and then during spring break. I am going to film most of my footage before spring break, but I will need around two days of filming for the shots that are in my house. For the days during spring break, I told my actors that I can work around their schedule and that the 24th and 25th aren't set in stone and they said they would let me know if those days work for them. I hope this gives me enough time to do everything. I am happy that I have my plan fleshed out and I will see you soon.

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