HELLO so I stayed home from school because I woke up feeling bad but not bad enough to start my storyboarding YAY. So I started storyboarding my trailer that is romanticized and happy, and I used the Perks of being a Wallflower official trailer and inspiration here is the link. Anyways, I have done 4 pages so far because I was in the zone, but now I have to go to school late, so I am going to finish this later. I will update you in a bit.
Hey so it's been a little more than a bit... But HEY I FINISHED MY FIRST STORYBOARD YAYAYYA! I am very happy with it and it is 7 pages so yay?
Anyway, I am not a drawer and all of these shots make more sense in my head but here is my first storyboard:
So now I'm going to start storyboarding my second trailer.
Okay I finished my second storyboard!!! (almost a week later btw)

I am very happy with how these turned out! But I changed the concept of my trailers a bit. Originally, I was going to have my two trailers contrast each other by having one be romanticized and the other one be more serious and realistic, but as I was storyboarding, I realized that wasn't what I wanted to do. I decided to have one focus more on wake up and the vlog, and the other one focus on the theme of the trailer and try to appeal more to the audience with phrases like "everyone fears growing up" and "will you embrace it, or fight it?" I felt that this worked better for marketing, and for my genre, and a lot of the clips that I am filming for my first trailer will be used in my second trailer. There are only around 4 shots that I have to film only for my second trailer, which is really nice. Both trailers have almost all of the same clips, but they use them differently. One is centered around the plot and the story, while the other focuses on the message and attracting the target audience. Anyways, I am happy that I made the decision to change the concept of the trailers and I am excited to start filming!! See you soon!
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