Saturday, March 23, 2024


Hello!! So, I still need to finish filming my opening which I am going to finish on Tuesday afternoon, but I have a few updates. This post will be shorter than usual because I don't have that much I need to say.

Editing Software:

I have decided that I am going to edit the majority of my opening on CapCut because it is one of the few that I am familiar with and comfortable with, and I don't want to try to learn how to use Adobe Premiere Pro in one week. I said "majority" because if there are certain clips that I need to use other editing softwares for like Canva or Adobe, I can ask my friends who know how to use it for help. I will try to start editing before I film the rest of my opening, so all I have to do is add the other clips in.

I will update you tomorrow because that is when I plan to start editing.


I have decided that I want to do a Vouge makeup routine CCR (you'll see) and a carpool karaoke-style interview for my CCRs. I am going to have my mom or dad help me with both so that I have someone interviewing me and yeah, I think its a fun and creative way of reflecting on my project, and it is relatively easy.

Also here is my shot list with the ones that I have completed and the ones I still have to do (highlighted means completed):

1st: Car (ext)

2nd: All Car shots (int)

3rd: Friends getting out of the car (ext)

4th: Friends getting stuff out of the car

5th: Asher getting his stuff

6th: Vision sequence thing

7th: Asher putting picture away

8th: Asher walking to camp

9th: Shot from in the trees of Asher walking to camp

10th: Shot of Asher walking to trees (from inside trees)

11th: Friends setting up

12th: Friends playing (Ruby and Jade, Claire and Asher)

13th: Shot of Claire looking at Asher

14th: Ruby looking at her

15th: Friends sitting around fire pit

16th: Shot of all friends sitting around the fire

17th: Slow zoom into Asher

18th: Friends waking Asher up

19th: Pov of Claire asking

20th: Medium of Asher saying yes

21st: long shot of him walking to forrest

22nd: Shot of friends sitting around fire put when Asher sees there and campsite empty shot (skip)

23rd: Asher in the forest peeing

24th: Whip pan behind him

25th: Glove on floor

26th: Asher walks to glove

27th: Glove again

28th: Shot of Asher hearing screaming

29th: Tracking shot of him running

30th: close up of Asher scared

31st: Asher confused

32nd: insert of cross

33rd: Insert of hut

34th: Insert of white glove

35th: Insert of wooden cross

I will update you tomorrow when I try to start editing!!

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