Sunday, March 31, 2024



I filmed the Vouge makeup routine CCR here is my script:

Question 1:

Hello! It’s Julia and I was asked by Vogue to tell you a little bit about my recent project “Foresight” while I show you my makeup routine. Here are some of the products that I am going to use, and I am going to be answering some questions that Vouge sent me. Without further ado let's begin. So the first thing that Vouge wants to know is how does Foresight use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? That is a great question. So Foresight is a Thriller about a guy named Asher who goes on a camping trip with his friends and begins to feel and see weird things. Thrillers according to research done by North Dakota South University (that I referenced when creating my film) “tend to want to be small. It's like putting your hero in a box and squeezing. One of the advantages of this narrowing of focus is that thrillers maximize emotion.” Now I think that this is something that Foresight definitely does. Within the first 30 seconds of the film, Asher (the protagonist) is put in a very uncomfortable situation where he finds a photo of his mom who passed away when he was young. Not only does this maximize emotion but it also represents a social issue which is being motherless while growing up. Foresight also attempts to represent teenagers through costume design, music choice, and casting. One thing I was very keen about when writing Foresight was that I wanted Asher’s friends to fill the void of Asher not having a full family. In other words, I wanted Asher’s friends to be his family, which is something that I see a lot with teenagers, especially those with bad living situations, or problems with their parents or siblings, those kids tend to rely on their friends and their friends rely on them and they form this sense of community which is something I wanted to represent with this project. Another thing that is usually found with thrillers that I wanted to include in mine, was the use of pacing. Most thriller films, start happy or normal and then a few minutes into the film, conflict is introduced. This is something that I wanted to use to tell my story because I thought it would be a good way to balance the representation and introduction of my characters while also sticking to the typical genre conventions of a thriller. So yeah, hopefully, that answered that question for you Vouge and now let's go on to the next one.

Question 2:

Vogue wants to know how Foresight engages with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text. Wow, that is a wonderful question. I love it. So, (re-read question under breath) okay. I think it’s important to mention my project’s target audience first, which is young adults (ages 17-25) both female and male, people who enjoy thrillers, intense movies, friendship, people who don’t mind mature content, and overall people who enjoy anxiety-inducing films. One way that Foresight engages with the audience is having a pretty good balance of boys and girls in the cast. While the main character is a boy, there are three girls and two boys in the friend group which in my opinion balances it out. The ages of the characters are 16-18 years old which means most of the target audience is either that age or just was that age. Having a character be around the same age as you, allows you to understand, relate, and therefore engage with the character more so than if they were let’s say twice your age. This is because you are both likely facing the same social pressures and experiencing similar problems. Moving on, like I said before, Foresight is targeted at people who enjoy thrillers, and by following the genre conventions of a typical thriller, by nature those people are going to be engaged with the film. In other words, using genre conventions is a great way to engage target audiences. As for distribution, I plan on uploading Foresight on YouTube, and possibly other social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. This is because my target audience is particularly active on these platforms and realistically, I cannot release my opening in theaters. With that being said, I hope you all have a fantastic night, thank you so much Vouge for having me, oh my god I almost forgot, I got carried away blabbing about opening, I almost forgot to show you my makeup, here it is, this is my everyday look, obviously I wouldn’t wear this on my red carpet but again thank you so much Vouge, and have an amazing night, morning, afternoon whatever. Blow kiss.

I was too lazy to write an actual script so I just wrote down what I wanted to say on Google Docs.

Here are some BTS:

The script-writing process took around 2 hours, which is not too bad, and the filming took around 30 minutes. I am going to edit this CCR tonight and hopefully film my second one tomorrow. I will update you when I finish editing!!

Hello, it is currently Saturday morning, I finished editing my CCR YAYAYAYAY. I was a little unsure about the credits and what I needed to do but I am going to ask my teacher just to make sure on Monday. I am going to start writing the script for the last CCR.

Hello! It is Sunday Morning. I finished writing my second CCR's script last night. Here is a picture (sorry for the scribbles):

And I just finished filming. I forgot to take BTS AGAIN! so here are some pictures from filming:

As you can see this is not carpool karaoke. This is because while I was writing my script I decided that I would much rather do a Talk show CCR.  Also, my dad pulled a muscle in his leg and I wasn't going to make him drive me with a hurt leg, and I didn't want to drive while talking because that's dangerous so yeah!! I also liked this idea more anyway so it worked out.

Now the only thing I have left is to edit my CCR and that's it.
Here are some pictures from editing:


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