Friday, February 9, 2024

The beginning

Today was the beginning of what seems to be an eternal project. Don't get me wrong I'm really excited to start, but I'm also scared.  Having this much freedom with a project is awesome but also overwhelming. There are so many ways I could this project and that scares me a bit. Right off the bat, I think I might want to use copyrighted music because I like making my life more difficult. I'm not very familiar with non-copyrighted music, because who listens to that, so I'll do some research before I decide. I also should probably have a genre and idea before I make the decision but I'm not sure (kidding). I think before I decide what genre and idea I want to pursue I should watch some past examples of film openings that my teacher has provided. I should also research real film openings and watch a few to get ideas. I would love to tell you what I'm leaning towards but I genuinely have no idea. I could make a film opening that's a coming of age film or a psychological thriller. I don't know. What I do know is that I'm excited and that for a long time, this blog will be dedicated to my experience, hopefully a good experience, with this project. 

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Hello, welcome back. Today I want to do some research on music. I have noticed after making two trailers this year for different assignments...